Programme of the DPG Spring Meeting in Regensburg

The scientific programme of the conference consists of 3,849 contributions and is now available.

In addition to the scientific programme, the conference offers networking opportunities, such as the welcome evening or the pub crawl through Regensburg's nightlife with the jDPG. The Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature enables participants to familiarise themselves with the latest technical developments and exchange ideas with other experts. At the job market various companies and organisations will present their working fields and career opportunities to all interested participants. The DPG Spring Meeting will be rounded off by the Einstein Slam, the Ceremonial Session with Award Ceremony of the DPG, an extensive programme outside the scientific lectures at lunchtime and guided tours of Regensburg.

Conference programme

You can submit changes to the conference programme via the Notice Board.

For users of mobile devices, the programme and general information about the conference are also available in the conference app.

Conference App

The E-Verhandlungen (conference programme) with abstracts of the scientific contributions and general information about the conference will soon be available for download in pdf format here.

You will receive the printed short programme with synopsis of daily programme on site at check-in in the conference office.